The vineyard does not grant any break :-) .
Also in this unusual winter, with icy temperatures, alternated to sunny days, almost springtime days, we have to go out and walk all through the vine rows.
The vine, the one which produced aboundant fruits last autumn, has been cut down, in order to let the new one grow, till it will become fourishing in the next months.
One by one, every branch is accurately cut and pruned, to allow the small gems to bloom more flourishing than ever in spring.
Nel compiere pazientemente questo lungo e preciso lavoro, affrontando temperature non del tutto confortevoli, ci consoliamo pensando ai frutti che raccoglieremo e al prezioso vino che ne otterremo.
While making patiently this long and precise work, facing not totally comfortable temperatures, we comfort ourselves thinking about the fruits we will harvest and about the precious wine we will get.